Dear All,
I recently returned from a trip to Antigua to see the new dolphin facility which
opened there called Dolphin Fantaseas. Dolphin Fantaseas has a tank in Anguilla
which up until recently housed 6 wild caught Cuban dolphins. Three of those dolphins
were flown to this new site in Antigua.
The body of water housing the dolphins is called Marina Bay. It is extremely small
and looks more like a pond. Marina Bay was recently dredged to make it deeper however,
it still appears to be very shallow. Due to the silty bottom and the dredging, the
water is constantly stirred up. The female dolphin has been in isolation from the
2 males since she arrived many weeks ago. She languishes on the top of the water
in a small pen looking bored and lethargic. Hopefully she is not sick.
Even more distressing is the news that the government of Antigua has approved a permit
for John Mezzanotte to capture up to 12 dolphin annually from Antigua waters and
has also issued a permit to export these dolphins to sources outside Antigua.
Please take a few minutes and either write your own letter to the parties below or
send the prewritten letter I have provided. Be sure to sign your letter and state
what country you are writing from. Do not forget to delete the above portion of
your letter before sending and please forward this email to all contacts on your
email lists.
Thank you.
Davin Joseph
Please be sure to cc: all letters to me at or fax copies of
your letters to me at (905) 778-9612.
I have been informed that snail mail letters take months to arrive, if they arrive
at all. However, if you wish to have the addresses for the people above, please
contact me.
Dear Honorable Prime Minister Lester Bird,
I am aware that dolphin expert Ric O'Barry was recently denied entry into Antigua
to give an educational lecture on dolphins and his release of two abandoned dolphins
in Guatemala featured in the New York Times and People Magazine.
I understand your
Government has said Mr. O'Barry's denied entry was for reasons of "national security"
due to a misunderstanding about his background and that this ban will now be lifted.
I will be monitoring this situation with great interest and I certainly hope that
freedom of speech will be permitted in a democratic country like Antigua, unlike
Cuba and Afghanistan and Mr. O'Barry will be allowed to return to Antigua to give
his lecture.
I am very disappointed to hear that the island of Antigua is now housing captive
dolphins. I am equally disturbed to learn that your Government has granted John
Mezzanotte "permission to capture up to 12 dolphins annually from Antigua waters
and permission to import and export dolphins from and to sources outside Antigua
Most tourists today are looking for destinations that offer eco tourism where marine
mammals like dolphins and whales can be enjoyed in their natural habitat. The public
is no longer willing to buy into the falsehood that these highly intelligent animals,
that swim long distances with their pods in a rich and ever changing environment,
are happy being torn away from their families to live out their lives in small and
unnatural environments purely to entertain us.
The capture methods used by those in the captivity industry are violent and inhumane.
The targeted dolphins are chased by boat, separated from their families, netted
and dragged against their will onto the capture boat. Many dolphins drown or die
of injuries caused by capture methods used. Many dolphins die a short time later
due to stress and their inability to conform to captivity.
The people of the United Kingdom have been successful in shutting down every facility
that houses captive dolphins. Over seventy established or proposed aquariums in
North America are now dolphin free facilities. In addition, countries such as Norway,
Finland, certain states within Australia and India prohibit the display of captive
dolphins and whales. This trend is on the rise.
The healthy tourist infrastructure is one where tourists can visit a destination with
a clear conscience. Please do not be lured into exploiting dolphins. You may find
the anticipated revenues from imprisoning dolphins, which is only going to benefit
foreign investors,
will be greatly exceeded by the loss of tourist dollars by those who disapprove of
dolphins in captivity.
Please place Antigua on the cutting edge of conservation and education by closing
down this cruel attraction on your island and stopping any dolphin captures from
taking place. Thank you for your consideration.
Gwen McKenna
Fax: (268) 462 3225
Ministry of Planning
Fax: (268) 462 9338
A facility in Antigua is trying to capture dolphins for a captive 'swim-with' program.
We need your urgent reply to the following address' telling them that you are Canadian and
will not consider Antigua as a travel destination if the capture of dolphins is permitted for
any captive purpose.
URGENT: They are already in the process of hiring boats for the capture, so your reply
must be right away. Also, please send us a copy of your letter via e-mail for our file.
E-mail address' for protest letters are as follows:
Chief Fisheries officer Cheryl Appleton
Government Environmental officer Diane Blacklane
Local newspaper
Local newspaper
ABSTV Attention: Trevor Parker
Radio station...ObserverRadio
Zoocheck Canada Inc.
Environmental Awareness group
fax 268 463 7740
fax 268 462 1372
fax 268 462 2438
fax 268 480 1757
fax 268 480 5968
fax 268 462 6318
268 481 9125 fax
3266 Yonge Street, Suite 1417
Toronto, ON M4N 3P6
Ph (416) 285-1744
Fax (416) 285-4670
Web Site:
Registered Charity No. 0828459-54