Dear President Fox,
Two years have passed since eight dolphins were captured and inhumanely
transported from Magdelena Bay to a sea pen at FINS, Learning Center in La
Paz, BSC, Mexico. These dolphins are living in conditions that no country
could, or should be, proud of.
One dolphin death has already occurred due to the stress and trauma of their
capture and transport to La Paz. The surviving dolphins have been subjected
to abuse and neglect.
There are thousands of people like myself, who are concerned about the
health and survival of these dolphins. I have waited, in good faith, for
Mexico to do the right thing and allow the seven survivors in La Paz to
be rehabilitated and released.
However, some Mexican officials do not want these dolphins to be released.
They are suggesting that these dolphins should be sent to other captive
facilities in Mexico. Their rational for this appears to be the fear that
an unsuccessful release, would be an embarrassment for Mexico.
Let me assure you that there have been a number of successful releases of
dolphins that have been in captivity longer than those in La Paz.
COMARINO "Conservacion de Mamiferos Marinos de Mexico" was asked to provide
a scientific report regarding the rehabilitation and release of these
dolphins to Magdalena Bay should the dolphins be confiscated. COMARINO has
complied with this request. A COMARINO rehabilitation team is prepared to
undertake all aspects of a release. COMARINO has international support to
ensure the release is successful.
President Fox you have pledged to remove corruption from your government. I
ask you to take a look at the corruption surrounding the capture and
confinement of these dolphins.
The decision regarding the fate of these dolphins has been far too slow in
coming. Political maneuvering between officials has prevented a solution to
this situation.
There is no humane or logical reason to delay this decision any longer.
It's just a matter of time before the remaining dolphins get sick and die.
This will create more bad publicity for your government.
I urge you President Fox, while in La Paz, to demonstrate Mexico's political
will and direction by ordering the confiscation of these dolphins. For the
dolphins to be protected and cared for by the government, and for the
COMARINO rehabilitation team to prepare for and release the surviving
dolphins to Magdalena Bay.
If Mexico does the right thing, the world will recognize and applaud
Mexico's conservation efforts to protect dolphins and whales. Your
administration will be recognized as an honest and fair one, that fights to
stop corruption. You will also be sending a powerful message to all those
breaking Mexican law.
Thank you for your time.
FAX: (52) 55-52-76-80-11
Secretario del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Fax: (52) 55-56-28-06-43, 44
Procurador del Medio Ambiente
Fax: (52) 2615-2041
Subprocuradora de Recursos Naturales
Coordinadora de Participación Social y Transparencia