Dear Friends,
Nagoya Port Aquarium admitted failing the capture of orcas at
the sea of Kamchatka. The aquarium replied to the interview of Mainichi newspaper(September 22). The aquarium has no idea to bring orcas to the
tank by now, but trying to find the way. So we have a time to stop it.
I talked with Nagoya people about the action .
Our plan is like this;
1. Mr.Saito talks about Russian orcas and Zoolex(and mafia) to
the Mayor of Nagoya city via deputy mayor( we think that depty
mayor will organize to meet mayor) and he also talks about it to
some politicians who involve the Nagoya Port Authority.
2. Mr.Saito & Hiroshi will see Mr.Okura of Nagoya Port Aquarium
on Thursday and talked to him about the new idea; releasing progrum
of Taiji Three. Ask people to support the idea , adoption progrum
of Taiji Three, find some big TV to give exclusive right of
each process about the rehabilitation of Taiji orcas.
We can say to Mr. Okuya that this is the first time that separated
family members will join again at the same tank or you can see how strong the bond of orcas' family etc.
Also we can suggest to him if the progrum came true, the aqaurium can
make face and money as well ( I know that it seems like a kind of fantasy ).
We are going to make a thick planning paper for the idea.
3. We will organize the press conferrence on Friday afternoon and telling about the idea and also mention about the strong connection between Zoolex and mafia.
4. I will start sit-in on 29th at the front of the aquarium beside Nagoya people display photos and banners and gather sigh- on petition at Sakae, down
town Nagoya. We will continue the action every weekend.
5. Ask Russian government not to give next permit of orcas' capture to Zoolex.
I think world wide protest will work for it.
This weekend , we hung banners and handed brouchure to people at Nagoya station and two more places. I was interviewed by Nagoya TV and Mainichi
newspaper. Mainichi wrote it and the journalist is already labeled ' anti-aquarium person'. Sorry for her!).
situation is not good but still not the worst. We should stop the
capture, we can stop it!